Lavender just may be the most versatile herb in all of nature. Although best known for its ability to relax and relieve tension both muscular and mental, it is so much more than that. For starters, its main function is to restore balance to an imbalanced system- a state required for healing- and it is this characteristic that makes lavender such a powerful ingredient in skincare.
We use lavender in many of our formulations. If you read our labels and see lavender, it will be there either in essential oil form or as a whole organic herb or hydrosol, each offering special benefits within the unique formula.
In our Fine Herbal Cleanser, lavender acts as an antibacterial. In Deep Lavender Rub it is there to relieve muscular and mental tension. Dream Bath Elixir uses lavender to calm and soothe. In Sweet Milk & Lavender Bud Facial Exfoliate, it’s there to help with cellular turnover for a complexion refresh.
Check out The Lavender Shop for more of our products that feature beautifully balancing lavender.

~Lavender, we love you~
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