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Ingredient Highlight: Castor Oil

In the Know – Castor Oil!

Welcome to our new series where we break down important skincare ingredients and explain how we use them in our herbal creations to benefit your skin.

First up in the series- Castor Oil (organic of course)

Castor Oil has had a prominent place in health, healing and beauty since Asclepius, (the Greek god of medicine and healing), touted its medicinal uses in his “Temple of Sleeping and Dreaming”. He urged its use externally to enhance “attractiveness and memorability” making Castor Oil a favorite amongst all the beauties of the day. But what exactly is Castor Oil and why is there so much history, lore, and scientific documentation about this humble “bean”?

Castor Oil is filled with Ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that helps plump, protect and lock in moisture to accelerate the natural repair process. We use Castor Oil for that exact reason in our Complexion Conserve Serum. Combined and diluted with vitamin-rich Carrot Seed Oil and regenerative Rose Oil, our Castor Oil-rich face serum is a multitasking wonder.

Do you have lines forming around the mouth? Massage Complexion Conserve into delicate lip tissue for a penetrating treatment to smooth and prevent fines lines. Do you wake up with puffy eyes? Dot a few drops around the eye orbs each night before bed as a line-softening preventative. Longing for fuller lashes and brows? Just a small amount lightly applied to the lash line and eyebrows will encourage beautiful, healthy growth. If your hands give away your age, a few drops of our serum tapped on the top of your hands will impart powerful properties toward hand restoration.

For those of you who tend to steer clear of serums, fearing an oily or sticky consistency- fear not with Farmaesthetics. Your skin will know just what to do with those vitamin-rich organic oils. As one Complexion Conserve loyalist put it: “Don’t think for a minute that it is oily, my skin just soaks it up, leaving me silky soft.”

Castor Oil Recap:

· Rich in fatty acids that penetrate the skin and lock in moisture

· Anti-inflammatory properties to reduce puffiness and soothe sensitive skin

· Antioxidants to help protect and prevent premature aging and wrinkles

· Boosts overall texture, minimizing the appearance of pores

· Helps condition and restore eyebrow and eyelash health!

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